


首页 > 供应产品 > 流水槽模具 电缆槽模具 U型槽塑料模具 翰轩模具
流水槽模具 电缆槽模具 U型槽塑料模具 翰轩模具
产品: 浏览次数:612流水槽模具 电缆槽模具 U型槽塑料模具 翰轩模具 
单价: 220.00元/件
最小起订量: 1 件
供货总量: 9999 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-09-06 22:14
模具材质 : 冷作模具钢 模具类型 : 冷冲裁模
模具性能 : 磨损抗力,变形抗力,断裂抗力,疲劳抗力 模具用途 : 冲裁
模具设计软件 : UG 模具零件加工 : 滑块加工,压紧块加工,分流锥浇口套加工,镶件加工
模芯加工 : 飞边 表面处理 : 激光涂镀
打样周期 : 1-3天 加工周期 : 1-3天
年生产能力 : 9999 年剩余产能 : 9999


The water channel mold is mainly used for drainage facilities. At the same time, this kind of drainage channel mold is often used in the market, such as drainage channel steel mold, drainage ditch mold, drainage ditch mold, water channel mold, water channel steel mold, ditch steel mold, water channel mold, water collecting tank mold, cement tank mold, cement drainage channel mold, drainage channel mold, water tank mold, power cover plate Mould profile: the construction of railways, urban roads, cement roads in villages and towns, interval roads of villas, development zones, factory roads, water conservancy projects and other construction projects are blooming all over the country, and the supporting prefabricated components such as inspection wells, rainwater wells, curbs, side stones, flat stones, shoulder protection molds, slope protection molds and other prefabricated components have obtained unprecedented development opportunities!


With the development of economy, people's needs are constantly changing, and the runner mold will also change accordingly. In recent years, the new mould will be introduced continuously, and the mould will develop towards large-scale and intelligent direction, which will make its functions diversified. In the process of using cable tray mold, different results will be produced due to different quality. Especially in high temperature operation, many dies are deformed and damaged due to high temperature or strong impact force, which directly affects the production.
