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PA66美国杜邦FR50/美国杜邦FR50 NC010加纤防火原料
产品: 浏览次数:959PA66美国杜邦FR50/美国杜邦FR50 NC010加纤防火原料 
品牌: 美国杜邦
单价: 39.00元/千克
最小起订量: 25 千克
供货总量: 44000 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-10-19 19:19
产品特性 : 阻燃级 是否进口 :
产地 : 美国杜邦 厂家(产地) : 美国杜邦
牌号 : FR50 销售方式 : 品牌经销
类型 : 标准料 品名 : PA66
货号 : FR50 加工级别 : 注塑级
特性级别 : 阻燃级、增韧级、增强级、热稳定性、耐高温、耐低温、标准级、耐磨、耐老化、耐候、抗化学性、高强度、高流动、高抗冲、高光泽、高刚性 用途级别 : 通用级、板材级
品牌 : 美国杜邦 产品规格 : 25

PA66美国杜邦FR50/美国杜邦FR50 NC010加纤防火原料

PA66美国杜邦FR50/美国杜邦FR50 NC010加纤防火原料




供应PA66美国杜邦FR7025V0 纯树脂 防火V0

供应PA66美国杜邦FR50 玻璃纤维25%增强 防火V0

供应PA66美国杜邦408HS 热稳定

供应PA66美国杜邦103HSL 热稳定

供应PA66美国杜邦8018HS 玻璃纤维14%增强 超韧 耐热

供应PA66美国杜邦8018 玻璃纤维14%增强 超韧

供应PA66美国杜邦408L 超高抗冲击

供应PA66美国杜邦80G33L 玻璃纤维33%增强 超韧 耐冲

供应PA66美国杜邦FE5171 玻璃纤维33%增强 FDA

供应PA66美国杜邦ST801 超韧耐寒耐冲

供应PA66美国杜邦ST801HS 超韧耐热

供应PA66美国杜邦132F 35L 纯树脂高抗冲

供应PA66美国杜邦 13%玻纤增强70G13L、70G13HS1L

供应PA66美国杜邦 14%玻纤增强8018

Huayun Plastic Company 2, color problems: Raw materials were contaminated, or because of equipment is not clean, plastic additives, colorants degradation, will lead to material pollution color change; plastic products yellowing mainly because of aging, need to adjust the formula, add antioxidants; The raw material is not uniform, the volatile content is high, the lubricant, the release agent dosage is too big will cause the plastic product Gloss Law to change. 3, product spots foreign body: product spots are mainly caused by mold oil seepage, raw materials unclean introduction of pollutants, additives decomposition and raw material problems, such as inferior calcium carbonate, etc. . One of the causes of plastic white spot is the lack of plasticizing, for the lack of plasticizing formula, you can increase the amount of processing modifier to adjust, such as ACR auxiliary. In addition, we should also consider adjusting the amount of lubricant, pay attention to the balance of lubricants, promote the plasticization of raw materials.
