- 供货总量 : 不限
- 价格说明 : 议定
- 包装说明 : 不限
- 物流说明 : 货运及物流
- 交货说明 : 按订单
Direct head: when the water pipe is not long enough, it can be extended by connecting two pipes with the direct head.Elbow: used to change the direction of water pipe, divided into 45 parts ° Elbow and 90 ° Elbow.
Tee: when the water pipe needs to be shunted,PVC排水管厂家, it is used to connect the pipe.
Plug: it is mainly used to temporarily close the water outlet and remove it when installing the tap.
PPR管在下料后也必须清除毛刺,而且管端外表面还应进行刮削处理,这样可以去除管端外表面的氧化层,同时使熔焊产生的环形毛刺也小一些;但是我国熔焊器上普遍没有这套刮削刀具,PVC排水管制造,而且我国各PPR管生产厂家提供的管材外径误差较大,使操作人员不易掌握刮削量。Uk Gafloon Pipe Group Ltd,厂家位于:Chase Business Centre London England,追求品质生活,详情欢迎来电咨询访问。
The problem of pressure test in the concealed laying of water supply pipe will be very troublesome if there is no pressure test, so it is good to keep the pipe pressure when pouring the floor. Water leakage is a quality problem, according to the specification requirements for pressure, strictly control the welding quality.
秀山PVC排水管-Gafloon卡弗龙-PVC排水管厂家由台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司提供。台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司实力不俗,信誉可靠,在浙江 台州 的塑料管等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。艾菲力塑胶带着精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!同时本公司还是从事PPR管,地暖管,PVC管的厂家,欢迎来电咨询。