- 供货总量 : 不限
- 价格说明 : 议定
- 包装说明 : 不限
- 物流说明 : 货运及物流
- 交货说明 : 按订单
Why does PPR pipe have the characteristics of low temperature brittleness? It is obtained by random copolymerization of monomer and a small amount of ethylene monomer under heating,ppr水管规格, pressure and catalyst. Ethylene monomer is randomly distributed in long chain, and ethylene monomer is generally controlled between 3-5%. The content of ethylene and the polymerization of ethylene determine its low temperature brittleness.冬季是管道工程施工事故的多发性季节。由于PPR本身材料性能决定其在冬季气温较低的情况下:施工、装卸、运输等一系列过程中容易出现不同程度管材管件、断裂等情况。主要表现形式:受力部位不同而产生不同情况的,管材主要在搬运或施工中受外力强冲击所致。一般外表不易察觉,常出现在管件连接处,让人误认为是焊接质量问题或其他。因在外部受力,裂缝外紧内张,一般还能承受2-4KG的供水压力,热水管ppr,误以为焊接质量存在问题。有时用户在管道通水后短期内没有发现漏水线下,一段时间后才漏水。管道在连接前,端部宜去掉受损部分,安装完毕及时做好管道的水压试验。
同种规格的PPR热水管壁厚要比冷水管的厚,简单举例:D25×2.3 D25×2.8 D25×3.5 D25×4.2 这里列举的是外径为25MM的PPR管所对应的四种不同规格,前面两种为冷水管,后面两种为热水管,因此可以非常明显的看出,冷水管的壁厚要小于热水管。
The wall thickness of PPR hot water pipe of the same specification is thicker than that of cold water pipe. Simple example: D25 × 2.3 D25 × 2.8 D25 × 3.5 D25 × 4.2 here are four different norms of PPR pipe with outer diameter of 25 mm. The first two are cold water pipes and the latter two are hot water pipes. Therefore, it is very clear that the wall thickness of cold water pipe is smaller than that of hot water pipe.