


首页 > 供应产品 > 进口高压蒸汽管DAMPF TRIX饱和蒸汽输送软管工业蒸汽橡胶管
进口高压蒸汽管DAMPF TRIX饱和蒸汽输送软管工业蒸汽橡胶管
产品: 浏览次数:1125进口高压蒸汽管DAMPF TRIX饱和蒸汽输送软管工业蒸汽橡胶管 
品牌: SME
壁厚: 6~9mm
材质: EPDM
单价: 55.00元/米
供货总量: 400 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-07-12 09:08
壁厚 6~9mm
产地 德国
长度 40m
公称外径 21.5~68mm
颜色 红黑相间
用途 化工、石化、炼油厂等饱和蒸汽输送管路系统
产商/产地 德国
品牌 Continental
型号 01221213系列

耐高温蒸汽软管DAMPF TRIX® 6000 为满足化工,石化,炼油厂,建筑业,造船厂和其他各种工业**严峻的工作环境下输送饱和蒸汽而设计。该软 管是由极端耐热EPDM内衬及外胶制成,用于输送+210°C (+410°F), 18bar饱和蒸汽,也可以在短时间内输送+220°C (+428°F) ,23 bar (334 psi)蒸汽。
工作压力:18 bar
爆破压力:>180 bar,安全系数 10:1
温度范围:饱和蒸汽至+210°C / +410°F,短时间至 +220°C / +428°F , 23 bar / 333 psi (饱和蒸汽)
内衬 :黑色无孔光滑EPDM
外胶 :EPDM外胶层,耐臭氧、环境、UV及耐磨。
抗静电:R<10 6Ω
符合EN ISO 6134-2A标准
软管外侧标记:3 条红色条纹及"Continental ContiTech DAMPF TRIX® 6000 - DAMPF / STEAM - PN 18 BAR / 261 PSI - Ω Made inGermany”

Marking:3 red coloured axial markings on black cover "Continental ContiTech DAMPF-TRIX 6000 -DAMPF/STEAM-18 bar-Ω Made inGermany"

The high-temperature resistant DAMPF-TRIX 6000 steam hose has been designed to meet the most severe working conditions for conveying saturated steam in the chemical and petrochemical industry,in refineries,the construction industry,in shipyards and for various other industrial applications.It is made of an extremely heat resistant EPDM lining and cover assuring the transport of pure ,saturated steam at +210℃ and 18 bar,or even at +220℃ and 23 bar for short-time service.Temperature range : range up to +210℃,shor term +220℃(max.20 minutes)
Working pressure : 18 bar
Tube : black,non-porous and smooth EPDM lining
Cover : EPDM-cover,resistant to ozone,weather,UV and abrasion
reinforcements: 2 steel wire braidings,excellent resistance to corrosion
electrically conductive:R<10 6Ω
Meet all requirements as per EN ISO 6134-2A

内径毫米壁厚毫米外径毫米公称压力 巴/20°C重量 千克/米长度 米产品编号 121301
136.025180.530400122 121302
197.033180.900400122 121303
257.540181.200400122 121304
328.048181.550400122 121305
388.054181.800400122 121306
509.068182.600400122 121307