江阴市华丰橡机有限公司建于1992年,是一家生产平板硫化机、橡胶注射机、真空平板硫化机、炼胶机、切胶机、轮胎机械等橡胶设备的专业制造厂商。公司地处江阴市文林,离无锡火车站20公里,锡澄高速5公里,交通十分便捷,工厂产品“双华”牌平板硫化机连续多年经国家橡胶机械质量监督检验中心检测合格,通过ISO9002质量体系认证。本公司产品以“双华”为注册商标,建厂以来公司坚持“质量第一,信誉第一,不断求发展”的方针,产品销售全国各省市地区,远销东南亚、朝鲜等国家,公司的专业生产能力和良好的信誉及服务能满足不同顾客的需求。Jiangyin huafeng rubber machine Co., LTD. Was established in 1992, is a production of plate vulcanizing machine, rubber injection machine, vacuum plate vulcanizing machine, refined rubber machine, rubber cutting machine, tire machinery and other rubber equipment specialized manufacturer.The company is located in wuxi railway station WenLin, jiangyin, 20 kilometers away from highway, tin chengcheng 5 km, the traffic is convenient, the factory product "double hua" brand plate vulcanizing machin... [