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产品: 浏览次数:589大量现货LLDPE/埃克森美孚/6101XR 
厂家(产地): 埃克森美孚
牌号: 6101XR
单价: 10.60元/千克
供货总量: 200000 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-06 09:57
厂家(产地) 埃克森美孚
牌号 6101XR
加工级别 注塑级
用途级别 瓶盖专用料
销售方式 品牌经销
类型 标准料

ExxonMobil™ LLDPE LL 6101 Series    
Linear Low Density Polyethylene Resin


Product Description
LL 6101 series are medium flow LLDPE grades, which offer excellent stiffness, heat distortion resistance and good environmental stress crack resistance.
The excellent toughness and ESCR make LL 6101 grades an excellent blend partner for HDPE, where it can enhance the ESCR of items like buckets and lids.
Availability 1 
Africa & Middle EastAsia PacificEurope
LL 6101XR: Thermal Stabilizer: YesLL 6101RQ: Thermal Stabilizer: Yes 
Bottle CapsCompounding (RQ version)ContainersDoor MatsDust BinsLarge Part HousewaresLids
Revision Date March 2013
Resin PropertiesTypical ValueUnitTest based On
Density0.924g/cm³ExxonMobil Method
Melt Index (190°C/2.16 kg)20g/10 minASTM D1238
Peak Melting Temperature122°CExxonMobil Method
ThermalTypical ValueUnitTest based On
Vicat Softening Temperature94°CISO 306
Molded PropertiesTypical ValueUnitTest based On
Tensile Stress at Yield10MPaISO 527-2/1A/50
Tensile Strain at Yield20%ISO 527-2/1A/50
Tensile Strain at Break> 100%ISO 527-2/1A/50
Flexural Modulus260MPaISO 178
Environmental Stress-Crack Resistance (50°C, 10% Igepal)20hrASTM D1693
ImpactTypical ValueUnitTest based On
Notched Izod Impact Strength48kJ/m²ISO 180/1A
Additional Information
The molded properties were measured on 4 mm (157.5 mil) thick injection molded specimen based on ISO 1872-2.
ESCR was measured on 3 mm (117 mil) thick compression molded plate