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现货ASA/PC Luran SC KR2866C 德国巴斯
产品: 浏览次数:800现货ASA/PC Luran SC KR2866C 德国巴斯 
厂家(产地): 德国巴斯夫
牌号: KR2866C
单价: 29.60元/千克
供货总量: 199100 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-17 22:11
厂家(产地) 德国巴斯夫
牌号 KR2866C
加工级别 注塑级
特性级别 抗紫外线,耐候
销售方式 品牌经销
类型 标准料
规格级别 注塑级

东莞市东如信塑胶原料有限公司长期供应德国巴斯夫 Styrolution’s  Luran S  ASA,ASA/PC,长期供应,柜货订购,原厂原装,可开**,可送货上门,可到仓库看货,可提供材质报告,物性表、MSDS、REACH、SGS、 出厂证明,外加技术指引等,欢迎来电洽谈,电话:15818367582/18938556268,刘先生


Luran SC KR2866C 简介:

Luran S KR2866C is a blend of ASA and PC with a reduced content of PC. It is characterized by a medium impact toughness and heat resistance.


Luran SC KR2866C 色号:

Luran SC KR2866C SW89828Add to Bookmarks Luran SC KR2866C 物性表:Property, Test ConditionStandardUnitValues
Rheological Properties
Melt Volume Rate 220 °C/10 kgISO 1133cm³/10 min5
Mechanical Properties
Izod Notched Impact Strength, 4mm bar, 0.25mm Notch Radius, 23 °CISO 180/AkJ/m255
Izod Notched Impact Strength, 4mm bar, 0.25mm Notch Radius, -30 °CISO 180/AkJ/m29
Charpy Notched Impact Strength, 23° CISO 179kJ/m²35
Tensile stress at yield, 23° CISO 527MPa60
Tensile strain at yield, 23° CISO 527%3.4
Tensile ModulusISO 527MPa2600
Elongation at Break (MD) %15
Flexural StrengthISO 178MPa90
Ball Indentation HardnessISO 2039-1MPa110
Thermal Properties
Vicat Softening Temperature VST/B/50 (50°C/h, 50N)ISO 306°C110
Heat Deflection Temperature; (annealed) method Af, 1.8 MPaISO 75°C102
Heat Deflection Temperature; (annealed) method Bf, 0.45 MPaISO 75°C113
Linear Mold ShrinkageISO 294-4%0.3 - 0.7
Coefficient of Linear Thermal ExpansionISO 1135910-6/°C80 - 100
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W/(m K)0.17
Electrical Properties
Volume ResistivityIEC 60093Ohm*m1E12
Surface ResistivityIEC 60093Ohm1e+013
Other Properties
DensityISO 1183kg/m31110
Water absorption saturated at 23°CISO 62%0.9
Processing (Melt) TemperatureISO 294°C260 - 300
Mold TemperatureISO 294°C80
Injection velocityISO 294mm/s200
Drying Temperature °C100
Drying Time hr

2 - 4


Luran SC KR2861/1C      High heat resistance,High impact strength,高耐热,高抗冲击。


Luran SC KR2863C     Highest heat resistance,High impact strength,超高耐热,高抗冲击。


Luran SC KR2864C     High flow ability,High heat resistance,高耐热,流动性好。


Luran SC KR2866C     Good heat resistance,Medium impact strength,耐热性好,中等抗冲击强度。


Luran SC KR2867CWU     Highest flowability,V0 classification,防火V-0级,高流动。
