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大量现货ASA Luran 777K 德国巴斯夫
产品: 浏览次数:1002大量现货ASA Luran 777K 德国巴斯夫 
厂家(产地): 德国巴斯夫
牌号: 777K
单价: 26.50元/千克
最小起订量: 1 千克
供货总量: 77375 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-18 09:42
厂家(产地) 德国巴斯夫
牌号 777K
加工级别 注塑级
销售方式 品牌经销
类型 标准料
规格级别 增韧 注塑

东莞市东如信塑胶原料有限公司长期供应德国巴斯夫 Styrolution’s  Luran S  ASA,ASA/PC,长期供应,柜货订购,原厂原装,可开**,可送货上门,可到仓库看货,可提供材质报告,物性表、MSDS、REACH、SGS、 出厂证明,外加技术指引等,欢迎来电洽谈,电话:15818367582/18938556268,刘先生


ASA Luran S 777K 主要色号:

 Luran S 777K Q42 BK89737Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR31838Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR35316Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR35886Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR37119Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR37192Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR37306Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR37324Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 GR42734Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 OR31619TAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q438 WT33466Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q471 UV GN37109PTAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K SPF30 BK33753Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K SPF30 BK36831Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K SPF30 BK37441Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K SPLAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K SW27247PTAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K SW33753Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K SW56625Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K SW71200Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K SW71307Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK 6109Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK28214Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK37396Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK56625Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK61066GMAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK61099Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV BK65076Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GN37109PAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GN37442Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GR36899Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GR36934Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GR37422Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GR61057Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GR62371Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV GR69292Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV NRAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV SW56625Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K UV WT61386Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K WS33345PAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K WT31707Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K BK25991PAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK27247PTAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK28214Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK31260Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK33753Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK35877Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK56625Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K BK62131Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK71200Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK71307Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Black BK89737TAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K BL37454TAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K FC NRAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K FC SPLAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K GR28256Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K GR35822PAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K GR48350PAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K GR61225Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K GR69094Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K NRAdd to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q35 BK35877Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q408 BK62131Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BG36728Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK28214Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK28609Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK31260Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK36497Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK36733Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK36831Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK36890Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK36978Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK37295Add to BookmarksLuran S 777K Q42 BK71307Add to Bookmarks Luran S 777K 物性表:Property, Test ConditionStandardUnitValues
Rheological Properties
Melt Volume Rate 220 °C/10 kgISO 1133cm³/10 min15
Melt Volume Rate, 200 °C/21,6 kg MVRISO 1133cm³/10mi21
Mechanical Properties
Izod Notched Impact Strength, 4mm bar, 0.25mm Notch Radius, 23 °CISO 180/AkJ/m214
Izod Notched Impact Strength, 4mm bar, 0.25mm Notch Radius, -30 °CISO 180/AkJ/m24
Charpy Notched Impact Strength, 23° CISO 179kJ/m²17
Tensile stress at yield, 23° CISO 527MPa48
Tensile strain at yield, 23° CISO 527%3.3
Tensile ModulusISO 527MPa2300
Tensile Creep Modulus (1000h)ISO 899MPa1400
Tensile Creep Modulus (1h)ISO 899MPa1850
Elongation at Break (MD) %9
Flexural StrengthISO 178MPa70
Ball Indentation HardnessISO 2039-1MPa80
Thermal Properties
Vicat Softening Temperature VST/B/50 (50°C/h, 50N)ISO 306°C97
Vicat Softening Temperature, VST/A/50 (50°C/h, 10N)ISO 306°C105
Heat Deflection Temperature; (annealed) method Af, 1.8 MPaISO 75°C97
Heat Deflection Temperature; (annealed) method Bf, 0.45 MPaISO 75°C101
Linear Mold ShrinkageISO 294-4%0.4 - 0.7
Coefficient of Linear Thermal ExpansionISO 1135910-6/°C80 - 110
Thermal conductivityDIN 52612-1W/(m K)0.17
Electrical Properties
Dielectric Constant (100 Hz)IEC 60250-3.7
Dissipation Factor (100 Hz)IEC 60250-110
Dissipation Factor (1 MHz)IEC 60250-240
Volume ResistivityIEC 60093Ohm*m1E12
Surface ResistivityIEC 60093Ohm1e+013
Other Properties
DensityISO 1183kg/m31070
Water absorption saturated at 23°CISO 62%1.65
Processing (Melt) TemperatureISO 294°C240 - 280
Mold TemperatureISO 294°C60
Injection velocityISO 294mm/s200
Drying Temperature °C80
Drying Time hr2 - 4


主要供应的德国巴斯夫ASA型号: Luran S 757G    Highest flowability,Easy processing,高流动,易于加工。Luran S 767KE     Enhanced flow ability,Suitable for co-extrusion with PVC,流动性较好,可注塑,共挤。Luran S 776S    Good impact strength,具有较好的抗冲击强度、韧性。Luran S 776SE     Good impact strength,Suitable for extrusion。抗冲击性能好,适合挤出。Luran S 777K     Good flowability,Easy processing,流动性好,抗冲击性能好。

Luran S 778T      High softening temperature,High chemical resistance,高耐热,高耐化学。

Luran S 778TE      Extrusion Grade,High softening temperature,高耐热,适合挤出。Luran S 796M       Enhanced impact strength,Medium flow ability,抗冲击性能好。

Luran S 797S        Highest impact strength,高抗冲击。

Luran S 797SE       Highest impact strength,Suitable for extrusion,高抗冲击,挤出级。

Luran SC KR2858G3         Highest rigidity,High heat resistance,高抗冲击,高刚性。
