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建信模具 三角实心块模具
产品: 浏览次数:1067建信模具 三角实心块模具 
品牌: 保定科天模具公司
安装方式: 半固定式模具
产地: 河北
单价: 80.00元/
最小起订量: 1
供货总量: 999
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-08-10 22:15
安装方式 半固定式模具
产地 河北
认证 ISO9001
适用范围 工程适用
销售方式 代销
执行质量标准 国标
工艺类型 焊接成型
贸易属性 促销
发货期限 7天
品牌 建信模具
打样周期 2-3天

Twist the anti wave block mold into a "I" style. There are two projections in the middle of the front and rear. According to the mold style, you can see that the bulge is not two very regular boxes or cubes. The front and rear widths are different, and there is a chamfer style. Because the whole die is divided into two halves, and the two convex parts correspond to each other, the formed preform is very beautiful. The taper design is also designed to facilitate demoulding. Its height is generally about 1m to 2m, and the filling position is at the top of the die. The working principle of the twist anti wave block mold is designed and manufactured according to the drawings provided by customers, which is easy to demould and easy to use. The emergence of twist wave proof block die solves the scouring effect of coastline, which is especially suitable for water conservancy projects.