


首页 > 供应产品 > 建信模具 现浇混凝土模板
建信模具 现浇混凝土模板
产品: 浏览次数:955建信模具 现浇混凝土模板 
品牌: 保定科天模具公司
安装方式: 半固定式模具
产地: 河北
单价: 220.00元/个
最小起订量: 1 个
供货总量: 999 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-08-10 22:16
安装方式 半固定式模具
产地 河北
认证 ISO9001
销售方式 直销
执行质量标准 国标
工艺类型 冲压成型模
贸易属性 促销
发货期限 7天
品牌 建信模具
打样周期 2-3天



The steel formwork of anti-collision wall has become an important tool for manufacturing anti-collision wall. The anti-collision wall, like a city sign, is located on both sides of the road to separate the non motor vehicle lane from the motor vehicle lane running in the same direction, so as to avoid injury to non motor vehicles

The vehicle runs smoothly to ensure the safety of personnel and vehicles. Others are placed in places with frequent traffic accidents on the expressway to isolate large vehicles, reduce traffic accident injuries and reduce the impact of vehicle collisions.

When making, it will be processed according to the drawings, so that the required anti-collision wall steel formwork can be processed quickly. During processing, the whole plate can be cut by cutting machine, and some details can be cut by laser. Pay attention to the welding boundary

Surface to minimize spatter of welded joints. After welding, check the size of the formwork, and then continue to weld the horizontal and vertical reinforcement on the panel, so as to form a set of anti-collision wall formwork, and then conduct simple connection and coating

With a protective agent, you can ship a customer.
