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荷兰DSM PA46 F11
产品: 浏览次数:866荷兰DSM PA46 F11 
产品名称: PA46 F11
类型: 标准料
单价: 1.00元/吨
最小起订量: 1 吨
供货总量: 1 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-01 11:57
产品名称 PA46 F11
类型 标准料
密度 1.13g/cm
名称 PA46 F11 PA46 F11
牌号 PA46 F11
批号 10+
销售方式 品牌经销
形态 颗粒
颜色 白色
用途级别 电线电缆级
品牌 荷兰DSM
厂家(产地) 荷兰DSM
加工级别 吹膜级
特性级别 耐高温
规格级别 玻纤增强热稳定

PA46 F11

PA46 of Stanyl

- heat resistance, can be used for a long time under thehood, lead-free welding processing.

Excellent chemical resistance, which can prolong theservice life of the components.

Because of its low creep, excellent fatigue resistanceand low wear resistance, the service life can be extended, and the performanceis more reliable.

Excellent mechanical properties, reducing wall thickness,thereby reducing weight and component prices.

The production efficiency of the molding equipment 30%can be improved by only a short period of time (because the high mobility canincrease the production efficiency by increasing the number of die cavities).

It provides greater design freedom because of itsexcellent mechanical properties and good mode flow behavior.

It can easily fill the thin wall thickness of theproduct, so that the most advanced products can be easily injected.
