


首页 > 供应产品 > 供应轮胎上光剂-轮胎清洗剂-轮胎宝-轮胎蜡-洗车剂汽车养护用品批发汽车美容产品
产品: 浏览次数:650供应轮胎上光剂-轮胎清洗剂-轮胎宝-轮胎蜡-洗车剂汽车养护用品批发汽车美容产品 
品牌: 绿巨人 车亮 易省磨 嘉俊丽 LP
型号: 绿巨人轮胎蜡
保质期限: 36个月
单价: 112.00元/件
最小起订量: 10000 件
供货总量: 10000 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-01-21 18:24
型号 绿巨人轮胎蜡
保质期限 36个月
产地 广东
产品型号 7634
品牌 绿巨人轮胎蜡

轮胎蜡本品为水和蜡的共聚物,经先进配方高速混合而成,有持久的光亮度,更能保护橡胶、真皮、皮革表面不会被水或氧气氧化,更为重要的是水溶性共聚物,对物体的软组织有保持和保护作用,不会造成软组织破坏等副作用。手感柔软顺滑。用途:适用于汽车的轮胎、座椅、标板、隔热板、真皮、橡胶、金属、皮革等表面,作光亮保护剂。用法:先将物体用水洗净、抹干,然后用干净软布沾上本品,再在表面来回试抹,即可上光,物体即可光洁亮丽。规格:20kg/4kg*4     有效期:3年Tire waxThis is the wax and water copolymer. It is formulated with the advanced formulas with long-lasting brightness. The wax will form the protection film on the rubber, leather, leather surface. It’s the super soluble copolymer, it has no side-effect to the soft tissue.  It will polish the surface. After using, the surface will be soft, smooth, and bright as new. Application range: Suitable for automobile tires, seats, dashboard, insulation board, leather, rubber, metal, leather surface.Use for direction: Wash the cleaning surface with water first, and dry it, using this product to wipe back and forth. And then the surface will be polished and bright as new.Specifications: 20kg/4kg * 4          Period of validity: 3 years                


