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产品: 浏览次数:868供应美达混炼机 
品牌: 美达
产品用途: 塑料包装
适用原料: PE
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-10-18 17:36
产品用途 塑料包装
适用原料 PE
品牌 美达
型号 MD-150

MD-150型塑料粉碎混炼造粒机Model 150 Plastic Grinding Milling Granulator
本机应用日本先进技术、利用多刀快速粉碎、连续搅拌、混炼摩擦发热、急速冷却收缩原理,将塑料薄膜、丝、带、片、软塑料管、发泡料、降解料等废料与角料造成颗粒投入再生产,是目前最新型的塑料回收再生的造粒理想设备。The machine adopts Japanese design principles,employs the principles of grinding rapidly,agitating continuously,milling and fractioning to be heated with multi-knives and cooling and contracting.It produces granules from waste materials and angle materials such as the plastic films,filament,ribbons,pieces,soft plastic pipes, foaming materials, and degrading materials, and puts then into reproduction .It is the latest ideal granulating equipment to recycle plastics and reproduce.
主要功能:Main Functions:
1、对聚氯乙烯、聚丙乙烯、低密度聚乙烯、高密度聚乙烯、线性低密度聚乙烯等各种软质塑料膜、袋、丝、带、片、管的废料与下脚料的回收,投入在生产。1. Recycle the waste materials and leftover bits and pieces of various flexible plastic films, bags, filament, ribbons, pieces, and pipes such as polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene of higher density, and linear polyethylene of lower density, and put them into reproduction.
2、对降解塑料薄膜与角料粉碎、造粒的回收再生产。2. Recycle and reproduce the grinding and granulating of degrading plastic films and angle materials.
3、对化纤材料(涤纶、晴纶、丙纶等)进行粉碎、造粒,投入再生产的废丝处理。3. Grind chemical fiber waste materials, and process the waste filament that has been put into reproductions.
4、一机多用。可替代混合机或干燥机。4. The machine is applied in many respects. It can be substitute for blending machine or dryer.
主要特点:Main Features:
A:粉碎、混合、着色能一次进行A: Milling, mixture and staining can be processed all in one
B:机器占地面积小B: The machine takes up little area of land 
C:机械结构简单、操作方便C: It is characterized by simple structure and ease of operation
D:刀刃间隙可调,换刀方便D: The interstitial of the blade can be adjusted with convenience of replacing.
E:生产效率高、耗能低(日产量1吨,耗电量200度)E: It is characterized by high efficient in production and low consumption(1 ton of daily production ,and 200 degrees of electricity consumption ).
F:低温造粒,基本不破坏原料分子结构,不损坏物理性能F: Granulate at lower temperature, do not damage molecular structure of materials basically, and do not damage physical performance.
主要技术参数:Main technical parameters
机器筒体容量 Capacity of Barrel150L
生产能力 Output Capacity60-80kg/h
主电机功率 Main Motor Power18kw
加水装置 Water Adding Device125w
加热功率 Heating Power1.5kw
主轴转速 Rotary Speed of Main Shaft660r/min
机器外形尺寸Overall Dimensions1500×700×1400mm