广州市邵峰包装设备制造有限公司是一家技术力量雄厚的包装机械专业设计制造的生产厂家,集生产销售于一体。公司产品拥有卓越的性能、公道的价格、完整的服务,产品畅销全国、远销美国、英国、日本、澳大利亚、中东、东非、东南亚等国家和地区。 Guangzhou ShaoFeng Mechanical device Co., Ltd is a company that has abundant technical power of packaging machinery specialized designing, which can both manufacturesell. The products of excellent performance ,fair price,whole service have been selling to Japan , Australia ,the Middle East ,the eastern Africa ,the southeast asia,and so forth. 公司产品广泛适用医药、食品、日化、化工、制卡、电子、信息等各行业.专业量身定做非标机械。高品质,高效益,低价格,深得广大新老客户的好评。公司始终把机器的质量视为企业的生命,把服务当作企业的灵魂,把客户对公司的满意度作为检验企业的唯一标准。 The products are widely applied to medicine、food、commodity chemistry、chemical industry、system card、electronic、informationso on. High quality、great benefitlow price have earned a high... [