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供应BASF PA6 8233GHS.8234GHS
产品: 浏览次数:774供应BASF PA6 8233GHS.8234GHS 
品牌: SABIC.BASF.Dupont.Bayer
产品名称: 尼龙单6
牌号: 8233GHS.8234GHS
单价: 35.00元/公斤
最小起订量: 25 公斤
供货总量: 50000 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-02 08:03
产品名称 尼龙单6
牌号 8233GHS.8234GHS
产地/厂家 德国
用途级别 注塑级
品牌 巴斯夫Basf
型号 PA6

Ultramid PA6:

8233GHS: Ultramid 8233G HS is a heat stabilized, 33% glass fiber reinforced PA6 injection molding compound offering excellent strength, stiffness, high temperature performance and dimensional stability. It is also available in non-heat stabilized (Ultramid 8233G) and/or pigmented versions.

8234GHS, Ultramid 8234G HS is a heat stabilized, 44% glass fiber reinforced PA6 injection molding compound offering the highest level of strength, stiffness, high temperature performance and dimensional stability. It is available in natural and black versions. Pigmented and weatherable versions may be offered on a case by case fbasis.

