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常州天势易橡塑制品制造有限公司TSE INDUSTRIES


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常州天势易橡塑制品制造有限公司是一家美商独资企业,母公司位于美国佛罗里达州的克里尔沃特,是一家生产特殊橡胶制品,ATM机专用橡胶配件,运动鞋用配方橡胶,特殊化学品等产品的专业公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,公司通过了ISO 9001:2008 &13485等认证。公司橡胶滚轮产品广泛运用到各大ATM机品牌,耐磨系列橡胶产品广泛的运用到耐克、阿迪达斯、锐步等专业运动鞋,塑料及化学制品运用广泛。常州天势易橡塑制品制造有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。TSE is a family owned company founded in 1962 that takes pride in over 50 years of quality work. TSE Industries, Inc. is a business partner you can count on. We抮e a custom rubber manufacturer and a plastic fabricator. We also produce conveyor components, specialty chemicals, adhesives, composites and Millathane� millable urethane rubber.TSE manufactures the finest products at competitive prices in the shortest possible turnaround time. Our knowledgeable representatives answer your questions quickly and accurately. TSE抯 staff of engineers and chemists provides innovative solutions to difficult design and material problems. We deliver prompt quotes when you need them. Our products are consistent and our deliveries always reliable. TSE Industries is based in Clearwater, Florida, with over 200 dedicated employees occupying 207,416 square feet of facilities.

公司名称: 常州天势易橡塑制品制造有限公司TSE INDUSTRIES 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 江苏/常州市 公司规模: 101 - 200人
注册资本: 30万人民币 注册年份: 2011
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 橡塑制品,ATM机零件,混炼型聚氨酯,橡胶制品,ATM机橡胶滚轮,ATM机橡胶皮带,ATM机输送辊,特殊橡胶,塑料齿轮,自动饮料机配件,耐磨抗老化橡胶,运动鞋用特殊橡胶,ATM机出钞模块配件,自动取款机配件,自动取款机橡胶配件,ATM机挖钞轮,ATM机取钞轮
销售的产品: 橡塑制品,ATM机零件,混炼型聚氨酯,橡胶制品,ATM机橡胶滚轮,ATM机橡胶皮带,ATM机输送辊,特殊橡胶,塑料齿轮,自动饮料机配件,耐磨抗老化橡胶,运动鞋用特殊橡胶,ATM机出钞模块配件,自动取款机配件,自动取款机橡胶配件,ATM机挖钞轮,ATM机取钞轮
橡塑机械 / 橡胶机械
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