


首页 > 供应产品 > 现货火焰复合阻燃剂 RAYNOL V2800 软泡专用 支
现货火焰复合阻燃剂 RAYNOL V2800 软泡专用 支
产品: 浏览次数:717现货火焰复合阻燃剂 RAYNOL V2800 软泡专用 支 
产品名称: 火焰复合剂 V2800
化学名: 火焰复合剂
单价: 38.00元/千克
最小起订量: 1 千克
供货总量: 50000 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-09-14 17:03
产品名称 火焰复合剂 V2800
化学名 火焰复合剂
用途 火焰复合海绵用
含量 85(%)
规格 V6800

•产品简介      软泡火焰复合剂V-2800,主要应用于海绵软泡绵与织物的火焰层压复合;      其显著的特点是高剥离强度、低焦心、低VOC,满足较高要求的火焰复合泡绵,如汽车内饰、文胸等制品等。•技术指标      外  观:浅黄色透明液体      粘  度:mPa.s/25℃      5000      酸  值:mgKOH/g        ≤0.10      水  分:%wt              ≤0.10•安全说明      操作按一般化学品常规操作,穿着适合的防护服装,如非化纤长袖衣服、乳胶手套、护目镜等;       禁止吞食、避免吸入蒸汽和雾气,防止沾染到皮肤和眼睛;      如果不慎沾染到皮肤或眼睛,请立即用大量清水冲洗,必要时请**医;      误食,请立即用清水漱口,并饮食牛奶或蛋清,避免用催吐的方法处理。必要时,迅速**医。•包装贮运      钢桶,240kg/桶;工业吨桶,1000kg/桶;      置于通风、遮阳、干燥的库房内,保质期12个月;      本品不属于危险化学品,按一般液体化工运输。 

RAYNOL V6800 is a chlorinated phosphate flame retardant which can be used in flexible polyurethane foams and flame lamination of soft foam sponge and fabric, and its superiority is demonstrated in high peel strength and low scorch.It’s suitable forflame lamination foams in most cases.

Technical Specification

Appearance: pale yellow transparent liquid

Viscosity (mPa.s@25℃): 5000  

Acidity (mgKOH/g): ≤0.10

Water content (%wt): ≤0.10

Safety Information

In any case, please wear suitable protective clothing prior to utilization, such as nonfibrillated fiber long-sleeved clothing, latex gloves, safety goggles etc..

Avoid the inhalation of vapor or mist. In case of direct contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

In case of ingestion, rinse mouth with water and drink milk or eat egg white, and seek medical advice.

Package, Storage and Transportation

250kg/steel drum, 1000kg/IBC

It must be stored in cool, dry and well ventilated area away from direct sun exposure. Its shelf life is 12 months.

It’s non-dangerous chemical and can be transported as general chemical.
