ZX-HB 自动软式手提环制袋机 ZX-HB Auto-soft Loop Handle making Attachment * 特点(Vharacteristics) 软式手提环制袋机的后面是一放副料架,副料的宽度等于软式手提条的长度,这副料是切成狭长的条状,输送入顶折部分,软式手提袋的手提副料输送系统,采用步进电机输送,它具有精密副料的传送,切断和封口,同时准确的封合于袋子的正中央。 At the rear,kne unwind station for the polyethylene handle film, The filmwidth is identical to the loop length.The filmis cut into narrow trips,and fed into the top fold .The flexible handle film feeding wywtem is feeding by motor.The roll of film is fed,cut and welded automatically and is precisely posi-tio
ned to the center of the carrier bag. * 主要技术参数(Main Technical Variables) 袋宽 bag width 250mm-60mm 袋厚 bag thickness 0.05-0.2 电源 power AC220V.1VΦ 速度 speed 18PCS/min 机械尺寸 machine dimensions(L×W×H) 1.65m×1.56m×1.24m * 规格(Specifications) 机械重量 machine weight 380KGS 穿带重量 gross weight 520KGS 电源耗量 electrical co
nsumption 2KW 软式把手尺寸 size of loop handle (w)30mm(l)360mm 厚度 thickness 0.18-0.25mm