- 供货总量 : 不限
- 价格说明 : 议定
- 包装说明 : 不限
- 物流说明 : 货运及物流
- 交货说明 : 按订单
PPR水管的安装要点,重庆PVC管业,管材与管件之间的连接需要均采用热熔连接的方式连接,不允许在管材和管件上直接套丝、与金属管道及用水器连接要必须使用金属嵌件的管件。热熔连接施工必须要使用公司提供的熔接装置,这样以确保熔接质量。手提式熔接装置适用小口径管及系统后连接,台车式熔接机适用于大口径管预装配连接。UK GAFLOON PIPE GROUP LTD批发ppr管、PVC管件及配件,追求品质生活.
For the supports and hangers of water supply and drainage pipes, some workers choose small parts steel in order to save costs, the number of layout does not meet the requirements, or the location of layout is unreasonable. Solution: the support and hanger should be set near the cross pipe tee and elbow (the impact force of water flow is greater here). In addition, for UPVC pipe, the spacing of horizontal pipe hanger is the same as its DN diameter, for example, the spacing of Dn40 pipe hanger is 40cm.
PPR pipe fixing
The pipe can not be used until it is fixed. The pipe will not cause resonance due to water pressure. PPR water pipe is fixed with pipe clamp. For pipes with pipe spacing of 500mm and outer diameter less than 25mm, pipe clamps shall be set at the end of pipeline at 10 cm and water meter.