品牌 : | 伯朗特 |
伺服横走式机械手BRTA07/09系列适用于80T-320T的各型卧式射出成型机的成品及水口取出。上下手臂结构是双截式,分单臂和双臂,适合二/三板模具产品取出。横行AC伺服马达驱动,定位精细,速度快,寿命长,故障低。安装机械手可增加产能(10-30%)、降低产品的不良率、保障操作人员的安全性、減少人工、精细控制生产量、减少浪费、保证交期BRTA07/09 Series traversing robot arm is applicable to alltypes of horizontal injection machine ranges of 807-320Tfor take-out products and sprues. Vertical arm is telescopictype, with product arm and runner arm, for two plate orthree plate mold products take out. Traverse axis driven byAC servo motor. After installed this robot, the productivitywill be increased 10-30%, reduce defective rate, ensuresafety of operators, reduce manpower and accuratelycontrol the output to reduce waste
BRTN Series is applicable to all types of horizontal injectionmachine ranges of 650T-3200T for take-out products and sprues
Three-axis driven by AC servo motor, take-out at suoernlgh-speedat most 2. 5sec. Easy for E-O-A-T adjustment, long using life andlow failure rate, applicable to take-out products with short formingcycle or complex automatic, such as auto products, washingmachine and household appliance products take-outHC three-axis/five axis CANOPEN connecting way.
Less connecting line, long distance communication, goodexpansibility, strong anti-interference abiliity, high repeatprecision, can simultaneously control multi axis, simple equipmentmaintenance. low failure rate